Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Navigating Your Journey



Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Navigating Your Journey




Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)CDCS (Consumer-Directed Community Supports) is a service option within the home and community-based waivers that gives individuals on the Elderly Waiver (EW), DD, AC, CADI, CAC, and BI waivers more flexibility and responsibility in hiring and managing their own workers and care. Consumer Directions, Incorporated is a state-wide provider, serving all 87 counties in Minnesota.

CDI is an MA-enrolled FMS provider, offering a wide continuum of services that allow the recipient to select how much autonomy they want in employing, managing, and paying for services, supports, and goods. As an FMS, Consumer Directions is able to balance an individual’s desire for enhanced choice and control over services and workers, with regulatory compliance.

Lisa Kampfer and Shantel Jaszcak designed Consumer Directions with the vision of providing individuals with the most responsive customer service—with no bureaucratic layers or red tape.

Lisa and Shantel began their focus in the area of CDCS in 1998 with the DHS waiver amendment, which was further sparked by their participation in the First International Conference on Self-Determination and Individualized Funding; and have since shared their passion and desire to make self-determination a true reality...providing more than just the financial mechanisms.


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